Dragon Boat SA is affiliated with the Australian Dragon Boat Federation (AusDBF) and is subject to its Policies, including the National Integrity Framework, which can be viewed on the AusDBF policies webpage

Please visit the AusDBF sport integrity webpage for further information about these Policies and the Complaints process.

General integrity-related enquiries may be made to the AusDBF National Integrity Manager: integrity@ausdbf.com.au.

Below are the related policies on the AusDBF website as noted above and at: https://www.ausdbf.com.au/policies/ 

  • National Integrity Framework (PN-0041)
  • Child Safeguarding Policy  including the SA addendum (PN-0044)
  • Competition Manipulation and Sports Wagering (PN-0026)
  • Complaints Disputes and Discipline (PN-0043)
  • Improper Use of Drugs & Medicine (PN-0045)
  • Member Protection (PN-0042)