Facebook Group - Kangaroo Island Dragons

Kangaroo Island Dragons started in December 2014 with a boat brought over to Kangaroo Island by John Holland and Christine Wood. They were contacted by Ron and Mary-Alice Swan who had previously paddled in Queensland with 1770 Dragons for two seasons. They love the sport so much they decided to start a club on their Island home from American River. John and Christine encouraged and supported the eager paddlers who arrived at the first successful ‘Come and Try Day’.


  • A Constitution and a registered group
  • Regular paddling sessions twice a week
  • Competed in our first competition in Adelaide in 2015 in the 15th Australian Masters Games in 4 events with positive results.
  • Second ‘Come and Try Day’ with John and Christine’s participation and support. A very successful day with 21 current members and new paddlers trying each week.

Boat Location and training area:

Launching at the American River Boat ramp and paddling in the waters of American River and Pelican Lagoon.

Training Times:

Tuesdays:     5.30 pm to 7.00 pm (day light savings time)

Sundays:       8.30 am to 9.30 am (day light savings time) Followed by Coffee and Cake at the American River camp ground shelter


Email: KIDragonboatclub@gmail.com

Mary-Alice Swan (President) Phone: 0427 610 268
Jaz Gotham (Secretary) Phone:  0449 097 816   
Sharon Clark (Treasurer) Phone: 0407 971 343                          
Janet Simpson (Committee member) Phone: 0429 021 128